Clarion Learning P/L

Learning for organizational change and business results....

'Learning is not compulsory but neither is survival.'
- Dr. William Edwards Deming

We work with international organizations operating in the Asia-Pacific region who wish to exploit learning as a source of competitive advantage and a driver of change in the global market place. Learning is most effective when focused on creating specific and desired business results. This is the Return on Learning or ROL. The most important step in generating ROL is establishing a strategic context for the learning intervention from the beginning. What are the business results we are aiming for? What are the changes that we need to make in order to create those results? The design, delivery and review of the learning then flow from this.

Our team of consultants has extensive experience in designing, developing and implementing learning interventions for international customers at the individual, group and organizational level. Our major areas of expertise and focus include the areas of leadership development, intercultural management and diversity, (virtual) team effectiveness and development, executive coaching, post-merger integration and organizational change.

We help individuals, groups and organizations to build relationships and trust, communicate more effectively, create a collaborative culture across geographical, organizational and cultural boundaries and develop their leadership capability and effectiveness from a global perspective. We facilitate learning that makes a difference, inspires change and creates business results.

Simplicity, creativity, depth and active involvement...

Our core philosophy is that learning has the greatest impact when it is delivered with simplicity and creativity, in depth and through active involvement of the participants. We achieve simplicity by introducing models and theories that add immediate value rather than confuse our participants. We achieve creativity and depth by engaging people at both the intellectual and the emotional level - for example through Experience-Based Learning methodologies.

We ensure active involvement by working with small groups, encouraging peer-learning and avoiding consultant presentation whenever an alternative methodology is available. Our consultants see their role as to facilitate the learning process rather than to simply present training materials. This supports the process of change and creates the business results that clients are looking for.

For more information contact us